Do you want an affordable, easy, and flexible solution to making videos?

…if the answer is yes, keep scrolling!


Video is NOT daunting

Video is NOT complicated

Video is NOT expensive

Don’t believe us? Jump on a demo call with us today and learn about how you can have the power to create your own content with virtual guidance remotely from a professional videographer.



CM Narrative will virtually direct you through a video shoot so you capture the best moments to tell your story and create a powerful video asset.


  1. Content Strategy: Zoom call where we go over Storyline (determine what story you’d like to tell), Scripting (nailing down exactly HOW to tell your story), and Gear Set Up (we send you the necessary recording equipment, software download, & gear - oftentimes you can use your Cell Phone!)

  2. Pre-Shoot: Zoom call to plan positioning, lighting, and (easy) software set up

  3. Live Film Shoot: Using our remote software, we facilitate and direct the filming process to capture everything we need to tell your story

  4. Editing: CM Narrative edits the video with our standard humanizing style to bring your story to life into a powerful video asset




content strategy & editing/production

We will work together and create a content strategy that enables you to capture your story in the most powerful way. CM Narrative direct you through the pre-shoot and video shoot, directing & positioning you and the products the right way. We will then edit and bring your story to life with a professional video. At the end of this process, you will be equipped with a powerful visual media tool you can use for your business, as well as the knowledge gained to consistently create powerful content.



We will construct a powerful script using a proven storyline template that will appeal to your target audience. This script will guide the messaging of the video so that you talk directly and appeal emotionally to who you want to talk to. This exercise will shape the foundation of your video and provide the structure of your messaging. During the pre-shoot, we will dial in this script so you are ready to bring it to life when we film .

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media training (premium)

Your personal media training coach, Boaz Rauchwerger, will teach you everything you need to know to be confident in front of the camera. Boaz is an internationally-known speaker, author, and consultant. He is the Speaker of the Year for Vistage International, the world's largest organization of CEO's. A former newscaster, advertising executive, and newspaper publisher, Boaz has spoken worldwide for such companies as American Airlines, Toyota, and Xerox.